New York | pack it.

I'm always sad to say good bye. But with all the work I've been doing here and the time I've spent with friends, I feel like this was a really great trip. Figures all my stuff would look like this (pic on the left) at the end of my trip here.  It's hard to stay neat while living out of a suitcase. Here are some things I learned about packing on this trip:- My camera and computer equipment take up a lot of space. My suitcase is expanded, but without all my equipment, I could easily fit all my clothes and stuff in the suitcase condensed. - I made the best investment buying a camera/computer backpack.  It makes it exceptionally easier to travel.  Mine is incase. - I started out without that puma bag.  So I'm grateful I always stuff it (empty) into my suitcase - You can bring two light stands as carry-on luggage.  Strangely, no one is suspicious of me.  Strange how I can't bring a bat but I can bring these huge metal poles. - All my luggage weighs a lot. - Baggu bags are the best.  I have a big baggu and a baby baggu and they are very good for stuffing my jacket in then attaching to my backpack. - All that junk on the left can actually fit in all that stuff on the right.
