Meg says "Hello!"


The beginning of this blog marked the beginning of what I like to think of as "my life as an adult".

After college and feeling burnt out from writing my thesis, I traveled to Europe for rest and adventure (It was my first trip I planned and only the third time I ever used my passport).  At the time I had an architectural job and a loving boyfriend waiting for me when I returned.  Some time after my return to California and starting my job, I began to blog stories of my new life as an architect, my boyfriend and my endeavors into crafty projects.  (Thus the original name of this blog "craftyarchitect".)  That was winter of 2007.

As my life changed my blog continued to be both my creative and emotional outlet.  I wrote in this blog as I lost my job and started my new career as a photographer.  I documented all my travels since the layoff from my architecture job.  I recounted loves and breakups, disappointments and achievements, fears and hope, joy and sorrow.  A blog that I originally intended to be my secret outlet evolved into an open forum for me to share my thoughts and adventures with friends and strangers and colleagues.  I made it a point to be candid and open as I wrote in this blog.  I wrote for myself and not for anyone else.

So now, when I feel as if I am at the cusp of some remarkable and new stage in life, I thought it only fitting to bring this blog into a new stage as well.  The craftyarchitect blog has a new home at!

Hello! :)

(Thank you for this amazing picture, Jenny Nguyen)

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