lessons learned.
- Quitting is not failing
- I have the power to make someone's day, so be deliberate in my kindness
- I have the power to ruin someone's day, so be kind
- Photography is a language
- If there's no concept, it shows
- Determination outweighs natural talent
- Reading is the key to the world
- I am an introvert, and that's okay
- There will always be haters
- Real friends will tell you the truth, even when it hurts
- Real friends support you even if they don't support your decisions
- I am nothing without family
- Music is the best way to lift my spirits or get work done
- I may never have the best equipment, so I can't let that hold me back
- Vision gives photograph life
- It's all in the eyes
- Exercise gives me energy
- After a breakup, give my heart a break and cut off communication
- Love happens over time.
- Live in abundance
- God is always faithful
- Prayer is powerful
- Cultivate relationships with older people
- Humility is necessary for learning and personal growth
- Be open
- Traveling makes me a better person
- Communication really is key
- I have plenty of time. There's no rush
- Even though I'm a night person, I work best at 6am
- There's always room for improvement
- Personal projects and documenting my life improves my professional work
- My plans don't always align with God's plans
- God's plans are always better
- My parents actually do know best (most of the time)
- Never date a man who doesn't have close male friends
- You can't have good relationships without having a good one with yourself
- Until I loved myself I would never be capable of truly being in love
- Relationships are easy if they're healthy
- If the relationship is really hard, it's time to move on
- I don't have to be friends with everyone
- External hard drives should always be protected by something
- Always buy applecare for apple computers
- God fills in where I fall short
- Because He lives, all fear is gone
- There's a joy that comes from loving others
- Invest in quality lenses
- Listen
- My gut is always right
- Everyone has a story to be heard.
- I am enough