Bethesda, Maryland | the present view

oh, Lord, please calm this heart.

bethesda, maryland

There's a reason I love to read and take pictures.  I love the complexities and deep meanings.  I love that someone can see this and see a window where I see the future and an metaphor for life.

I pretty much think most things are metaphors for life or lessons from God. I pray to God to give me peace, to give me wisdom, to give me strength. I look to him for answers... and I find them. Life is a lot like this picture. For the most part I'm in the dark about my future. I only see a blurred idea of my future and a sliver of the present.  But it's rare to see the whole picture.  For that I must depend on God.

I was in a dark room and the curtains were drawn when I took this picture.  Even though I can only see a bit of the outside, because it's such a focused view, I appreciate what's outside.  I let my mind wander and imagine and explore as to what else is beyond this window.  And life is so much like that for me.  My view of my life is focused on the present because that's all I can see.  So here I am to cherish the present.  To love what I have now.  To keep the worry for the future at bay and to instead let my mind wander and imagine and explore what is beyond today.