El Capitan Canyon on Film

A couple weeks back I had the honor of attending Field Trip.  It took place at the picturesque El Capitan Canyon, just a bit north of Santa Barbara.  If I ever plan a retreat or family reunion or adventure, I'm coming back. The campgrounds were absolutely gorgeous, with the mountains and beach just a short hike away. It was amazing, and I loved the experience of it all.  The guys who planned it totally went all out to provide us with some awesome experiences.

One of those experiences was the opportunity to borrow medium format cameras from Indie Film Lab.  I checked out the Hasselblad and the Indie Film Lab guys helped me load the film and taught me how to use the camera.

I loved shooting on this little Hasselblad. It's so different from the digital cameras I normally use.  With the Hasselblad, the image is inverted somehow so framing the subject had a bit of a learning curve (and some of my images turned out real slanted).  The other big adjustment was the lack of an in-camera light meter. (Yikes.) I didn't know what I was doing. I guess-timated all my settings, and thankfully they all turned out alright. Funnily enough, the person who worked on my images commented, "Your exposures and metering look great on this roll!" High Fives!!

I'm so thankful to Indie for lending these cameras and processing and scanning my film for free. In any normal circumstances I definitely could not afford a Hasselblad, so I'm indebted to them for this once-in-a-blue-moon experience. 


El Capitan Canyon, 11560 Calle Real, Goleta, CA, 93117. February 23, 2016 | Hasselblad + Processed by Indie Film Lab