TEXAS, where is your Matthew Maconahay accent?
I am in TEXAS! I love it. I've come here and increased my desire to move away from California. For the past year and a half I have been itching to move out of California. It's not that I don't love my family or friends, it's just that I'm not a city girl by any means. (well... at least not in my opinion) I long to live in a town. I long to be surrounded by wilderness, mountains or forests. And, even though Texas does not have an abundance of mountains or forest, it feeds my adventure-filled heart with excitement and happiness.
I am ready to move. Only God knows where or when, but it's going to happen. I guarantee it.
p.s. I've been wondering, "Where is that Matthew Maconahay accent?" because the Texans in San Antonio and El Paso and along I-10 sure don't have it. Neither do the Houston people... so I need to ask, where are all your people with the Texan drawl? Holler at your California girl.
p.p.s. Evidently there's quite a few Texan men who like the California-Asian girl combo. <3